Sunday, November 02, 2014

How we talk . . . to each other

when we take a dance class can be like scrambling eggs in a cold frying pan.  Stickey clots of words, over-heated by the effort of "trying to do a pattern" now clumps of yellow that block us off from each other even before we've begun.  To be sure this over reaction to talking to your partner doesn't just happen in a class. On the floor, two resonably kind dancers can turn into immediate enemies with the slip of a word.  No matter the intention.  Mis under standing is the most common cause of dance anxiety that I know of.  Unfortunately it's also the kind of cause effective that proves the adage,  "Less is more"  And even time is only a partial cure. 

Of course, bruising an ego that is often being judged against the perfection of a pattern turns out to be incredibly easy.  Tinder boxes they, or should I say we, are.  Because no one seems immune to this condition.  Jostle our picture of ourselves and anything could happen.

The great news for me is that the willingness to talk about this and with each other seems to on the rise and on both sides. 

My studies of this will continue,

Friday, October 24, 2014

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot . . ..

Well, I have been having some real connection issues getting here.  Seems my old browser don't like Window XP no more so every once in a while it just freezes.  I'm going shopping Saturday.  Meanwhile, I have been working with the new material I got at The essdance .camp com  Slingshots.  I guess you can call them snapshots, too.  But wow, by learning to keep  my center focused straight a head while seeming to propel my partner to a sudden stop as she passes me down the slot or is suddenly shot to the side as the start of a sugar block.  Even the over head snap lead of a six count underarm turn you want to snap open on 5&6 is clear and clean. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A New Life . . .

So I went to start up an Amazon Local account to advertise my biz and here is what happened.  Using the link on the Amazon business page, I got started by filling in the business info about Just Dancing . . . and sent it off .  Several days later, I received an email telling me that someone from Amazon Local would contact me shortly.  A week later I called them to ask, how shortly? Someone there said momentarily.  Another week later, today in fact, I called again and was told: a) They needed to know if I had a website, no a blog wouldn't do, but they would accept a Facebook page, and b) Yes, I was right no one had contacted me about this but the account was closed anyway.  Wow, it's great doing business with such a responsible and responsive group.

And now you know, if you followed this this far, that I went ahead and created a Facebook page and when it asked if I had a website I went ahead and told them about you which I haven't really been writing in for about two years.

Hence, our title, A New Life.